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Stratmore Concrete Solutions

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A Case Study on reviewing individual employment agreements and position descriptions - March 2016


New Zealand owned company Stratmore is a privately owned company based in Wellington and has been supplying products to the construction and concrete industry for over 50 years.


The company supplies a wide range of products most of which are manufactured at their Naenae plant.  Key products filling a unique need in New Zealand construction are also imported from overseas.  The company has nation-wide coverage.


In early 2015 Hamish Stratmore approached McKone Consultancy to assist with an audit and review of individual employment agreements, to ensure that these were up-to-date with current legislation.  We were also asked to align staff position descriptions with current duties and responsibilities.  Hamish Stratmore, Technical Director, also asked for advice to be provided on what role(s) might be required to promote greater growth and enhance efficiencies for the business.


Meetings were held with each of the staff in the Naenae plant and the position descriptions were revised and given to staff for their comment and acceptance.


At the same time a template was developed for an individual employment agreement (IEA) that could be used for updating the IEA documents for each staff member and used when employing any new staff in the future.


A proposal was then put forward on what additional roles would be required.  It was recommended that a General Manager be brought in to drive the essential business changes.  The other identified role was that of Production Manager. 


In late 2015 McKone Consultancy was asked to assist with the establishment and recruitment of a new General Manager for Stratmore.  This was done in partnership with Barry Brown from Jigsaw Solutions who managed the recruitment process. The role was successfully filled in March 2016.  The Production Manager’s role is under consideration alongside other changes within Stratmore.


Our client now has an up-to-date employment agreement template that complies with current legislation, relevant position descriptions, as well as a pathway forward for re-organising the factory operations that should give greater clarity of roles between the sales, office and production functions.

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